
My Heart Says


Lets Raise our Flag!!!

Only few more days to 31st August. We're celebrating Malaysia's 50th birthday. 50 years ago, our first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj declared "Tanah Melayu" is free without any violence! That's the day when Malaysian have move on and develop their own country, back from the beginning. They are Unite!!! Full with passion.

So lets pay some respect to our former leader. Show your appreciation towards our freedom. Raise our flag! Colour our country with "Jalur Gemilang". We should be proud with our achievement! We'll keep on fighting for the next generation! Love our country! Love our "Jalur Gemilang"! Love our national anthem. Respect!!!

Tanah tumpahnya darahku...,
Rakyat hidup...bersatu dan maju...,
Rahmat bahagia...Tuhan kurniakan...,
Raja kita..., Selamat bertakhta...."


