
My Heart Says


Magic with Microsoft


An Indian discovered that nobody can
create a FOLDER anywhere on the
Computer which can be named as "CON".
This is something pretty
Cool...and Unbelievable.... At
Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't
answer why this


For those of you using Windows, do the

1.) Open an empty notepad file
2.) Type "Bear kau mmg gemok" (without
the quotes)
3.) Save it as whatever you want.
4.) Close it, and re-open it.

is it just a really weird bug? ?


Microsoft crazy facts

This is something pretty cool and
neat...and unbelievable...
At Microsoft the whole Team, including
Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this

It was discovered by a Brazilian. Try
it out yourself...

Open Microsoft Word and type

=rand (200, 99)

And then press ENTER
Then see the
magic........ .................... ...

Perlis Mufti Answer....

I have browsed through youtube to listen to Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, Perlis Mufti, and also his official blog at Minda Mufti at drmaza.com. I've been at one of his talk and i found it so beneficial to be there. For me, his thought is fresh, informative and also up-to-date. However, I really regret with one of the politician in Malaysia who easily describe Dr. MAZA with inappropriate word to express his feeling.

Here I would like to share a few coverage about this matters.

This is Dr Asri speech.

This is response to his speech.

This is Dr. Asri's Answer:

And I think we should consider this speech:

And why it should be considered:

I think people should realize this matter. We should think before we say something and always watch our language. The problem is when somebody with a 'big' name and 'big' profile come out and give out speech that is confusing. We should be a better listener who can wisely judge and criticize before we can agree with 'somebody'. Stop being fanatic. Please stop this violence!!!

p/s: feel free to visit drmaza.com to read his opinion and his stand about the current issues.

Tell your mom you love her...

Late at night...lots of burden on my shoulder.... lots of pressure... lots of trouble.... tense an depress.... but life wont be interesting without problems... one thing come across my mind at this moment is my family! My lovely parent, Mak.. Ayah... I love you... my sister + brother in law + my cute 2 years old nephew in manchester, my brother + sister in law + another cute nephew, my other brother and my younger brother..... my god... i miss them so damn crazy! i wish we'll have another moment to hang out together again...hehehe

I read this story from sensasi blog that really touch my heart... spend your time to read it..

Warkah Buat Mak....

Terlalu bosan rasanya duduk membilang hari.....
Dah hampir sepuluh bulan mak pergi,
Rasanya baru semalam mak peluk kiter kan
sejuk syahdu masih terasa lagi nih....
Mak tau tak.....
itu lah pertama kali mak peluk anak mak yang nakal ni sejak kiter dewasa.....
dan itu juga terakhir kali nya.
Emmmm...rupanya mak dah tau mak nak pergi jauh.....
nak tinggal kan anak2 mak..... nak tinggal kan dunia fana ni.....
mak macam dan sedia.....
Seminggu sebelum tu.....mak dah menganyam tikar mengkuang 3 helai.....
Akak kata sampai ke pagi mak anyam tikar tuu....
tanpa rasa mengantuk, tanpa rasa letih..... kakak pun rasa hairan.....
mak tak penah buat gitu..... pastu mak pasang radio kecil di sebelah mak.....
tapi mak seolah2 tak sedar bahawa rancangan radio tu siaran diam ......
kengkadang siaran indonesia ...mak terus tekun menganyam...
Rupanya tikar yang telah mak siapkan tu di gunakan untuk mengiringi
mak ke kuburan...
Pastu mak sapu sampah sekeliling rumah bersih2....
pastu mak jemur karpet-karpet. ..
pastu mak ubahkan sofa ke tempat lain..mak biarkan ruang tu kosong..
rupanya kat situ jenazah mak diletakkan..
paling menarik sekali mak bgtau kat maner sume duit dan barang kemas

ada kat dalam almari.....
ada kat dalam dalam beg.....
ada dalam ASB.....
ada kat dalam Tabung Haji..
mak cakap tak berapa cukup lagi....
ada kat dalam gulung tikar.....
masa tu mak perasan takk..??
kiter gelak sakan bila mak bgtau duit dalam gulung tikar...kiter
kata mak ni memang pesenn lama laaa...
mak cuma gelak jer...
eeemmm..bahagiaa nya saat ituu..

Hari tu hari sabtu 18/08/1999 pukul 3 petang mak tiba2 s akit perut.....
bila malam tu kiter sampai dari KL.....mak dah dalam kesakitan.
Akak dan abang kat kampong semua dah pujuk.....
mak tetap takmau pi hospital.... .
dan cuma tinggal giliran kiter sahaja yang belum pujuk..
Mak kata mak takmau duduk dalam hospital.... .
tapi kiter berkeras juga pujukk..
nanti di hospital ada doktor...ada ubat untuk mak..
kat rumah kami hanya mampu sapu minyak dan urut jer..
Mak tetap tak bersetuju... ..mak memang degil..
tak salah, anak mak yang ni pon mengikut perangai mak tu..
Tapi akhirnya bila melihat keadaan mak makin teruk....
mak sakit perut sampai nak sentuh perut mak pon sakit kami adik
beradik sepakat hantar juga mak ke hospital.... ..

amponkan kami semua...
kami nak mak sehat...
kami sayang mak...
kami tak mau mak sakit...
kami terpaksa juga hantar mak ke hospital....
ampon kan kami yer mak....

Malam itu abang bawa mak k e hospital dan itu lah pertama dan
terakhir kali mak naik kereta kiter...
Masih terbayang betapa ceria dan gembiranya mak, kiter kata nak beli kereta....
Mak asyik tanya ajer..cukup ker duitt..
kiter jawab pula...kalau tak cukup, mak kan banyak duit... mak gelak ajerr.....
Lepas tu bila kereta kiter sampai....mak buat kenduri kesyukuran.. ....
Dan kiter masih ingat lagi...bila kiter eksiden terlanggar kelinn naik motor.....
Punya la kiter takut...kiter warning kakak kiter jangan sesekali bgtau kat
Bila balik sahaja kampong....kiter cepat-cepat simpan keta dalam garaj.....
Tapi mak perasan juga bumper depan kemek...mak tanya kenapa...?
Selamba jerr kiter jawab terlangar pokok bunga.....
Mak....tujuan kiter menipu tu supaya mak tak risau...
Maafkan kiter kerana sampai mak pergi mak tak tau hal sebenar...
mak, kiter menipu mak kan ...ampon kan kiter....

Jam 4.30 pa gi 19/08 /2006
Bila tiba aja kat hospital.... nurse tengah balut mak dengan kain putih.....
mak mesti nampak kiter jatuh terduduk di lantai hospital...
Mesti mak nampak abang cium dahi mak.....
Mesti mak nampak akak baca doa untuk mak....
Mesti mak nampak adik terduduk kat kerusi kat sudut itu...
mesti mak nampak semua tu kann...kann. .kannn

Mak tau tak....
Pagi tu balik dari hospital jam 5.20 pagi kiter mamandu dalam keadaan separuh sedar...
Adik kat sebelah diam melayan perasann...
Kenangan bersama mak berputar dalam kepala ini...
jalan di depan terasa makin kelam.....
airmata dah tak mampu di tahan....
Masa tu seandainya apa-apa terjadi di jalan itu kiter rela...
Namun alhamdulillah akhirnya kiter sampai juga...
di sebab kan pagi masih awal, jadi jalan tu lenggang..kosong. ...sekosong hati ini.....
Sepanjang perjalanan terasa kedinginan subuh itu lain benar
suasananya.. ... terasa syahdu dan s ayu gitu...dinginnnn. ....

Kiter masih ingat lagi...
Kiter baca AlQuran kat tepi mak temankan mak...
Jam 11.00 pagi mak di mandi kan .....
Anak2 mak yang pangku masa mak mandi....
Mak mesti rasa betapa lembut nya kami mengosok seluruh tubuh mak.....
Kiter gosok kaki mak perlahan lahan.....
Mak perasan tak...?
Makcik yang mandikan mak tu pujuk kiter.....
Dia kata..." dikk...jangan nangis...kalau sayang mak jangan buat
gitu...jangan nangis ya.."
Bila makcik tu kata gitu...
lagi laaaa laju airmata ni..tapi kiter kawal supaya tak menitik atas mak....

Sampai takat ini surat ni kiter tulis..... kiter nangis ni.....
Ni kat dlm bilik...baru pukul 4.00 pagi.... Takder orang yang bangun lagi.....
kiter dengar nasyid tajuk "anak soleh" kiter sedih...kiter rindu kat mak..!
Takpa la.....nanti bila kita selesai sembanyang subuh, kiter baca yassin untuk mak...
mak tunggu ya..!

Sebelum muka mak di tutup buat selamanya... .
Semua anak2 mak mengelilingi mak...menatap wajah mak buat kali terakhir....
Semua orang kata mak seolah2 senyum aja...
Mak rasa tak....masa tu kiter sentuh dahi mak....
kiter rasa sejukkkk sangat dahi makk.....
Kiter tak mampu nak cium mak...kiter tak daya....
kiter tuliskan kalimah tauhid kat dahi mak dengan air mawar...
Airmata kiter tak boleh tahan....
Mak mesti ingat kan yang anak mak ni jadi imam solat jenazah untuk mak...
tapi kite suruh tok imam bacakan doa sebab kite sebak....
Jam 12 tengahari mak diusung keluar dari rumah....
Akak pula dah terkulai dlm pelukan makcik...
badan akak terasa panas...
makk...anak mak yang seorang tu demam....
Mak tauu...cuma akak sorang saja anak mak yang tak mengiringi mak ke tanah perkuburan.. .

Hari2 ku lalui tanpa kewujudan mak lagi...
Begitu terasa kehilangan mak...boleh kata setiap malam selepas
maghrib anak mak ini berendam airmata...
Dan sampai satu tahap....masa tu malam jumaat selepas maghrib...
Selepas kiter baca yassin ngan kawan-kawan. ....
entah kenapa biler kat bilik kiter keluarkan gambar2 mak pastu apa lagi...
semakin kiter tenung terasa semakin sayu...tangisan tak dapat dibendung...
Mak tauu...kiter cuba bertahan... memujuk diri sendiri tapi tak juga reda...
Kiter rasa nak telefon mak... nak cakap dengan mak....
anak mak yang ni dah tak betul kan ...????
Dan akhirnya dalam sedu sedan itu kiter telefon kampong...
Kiter cakap dengan kakak..kiter nangis lagi... Puas la kakak memujuk kiter...
Akak kata..." tak baik laa nangis aje..doa lah untuk mak..nanti kalau
gini ajer mak yang susah kat sana ..."
Dan akhirnya akak juga nangis..... Agaknya mak nampak adegan tu...
sebab malam jumaat kata orang roh balik rumahh... mengharap sedekah da ri anak2 nya...
Mak tau tak...di saat itu kerinduan terasa menusuk sehingga ke hulu hati...
rasa nyilu sangat... menusuk-nusuk sehingga terasa begitu sakit dalam dada ni....
Sampai sekarang bila kerinduan itu menjelma...hanya sedekah al-fatihah kiter berikan.....

cukup la sampai sini dulu....
kawan kiter dah ketuk pintu bilik tu.... kejap lagi kami nak pergi solat subuh kat masjid...
selalunya, kiter yang bawak mak naik motor kan ....
kali ni kiter jalan kaki dengan kawan pulak... esok kiter ingat nak tulis surat kat ayah pula....
Mula2 kiter tak tau nak hantar mana surat nih...
pastu kawan kiter bgtau...simpan je buat kenangan..
Kiter cuma tau alamat ni aje... Takper yer mak...kiter kasi orang lain baca...
Kiter stop dulu...sebab kawan kiter dah lama tunggu tu...
akhir kata untuk mak, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH dan jutaan terima kasih
kerana membesarkan kiter... memberi seluruh kasih sayang dari kecil sampai masuk sekolah.. sampai masuk unibesiti..
sampai kiter boleh rase naik kapal terbang... boleh rasa duduk kat negara orang...
sampai akhir hayat ini jasa mak tak akan mampu kiter balas..
Sekian terima kasih.

Yang Benar,
Anak mak yang dah tak degil..

i've read this 'letter' tens of times.... but i couldn't stop my tears dropping...

oh my god.... i miss my family... i love my family.....

English Class

Primary school student start to learn Mathematic and Science in english and it have been controversial for a long time. Here you should know why English is important in our daily life:

1) "...but in Malaysia people are laugh you."
kaykaysaja think: "...but in Malaysia people are laughing at you."

"...you think we are Pakistan, we are Burma, we are Myanmar."
kaykaysaja think: "Burma = Myanmar right?"

3) "First people protest. We are allowing protest and they have demonstrated. But when we try to disperse them, and then later when they don’t want to disperse. But later our Police compromise. They have compromised and allowed then to proceed to Istana Negara. Police, our Police have succeeded in handling them gently, right?"
kaykaysaja think: "he' lost!"

4) "Yeah it is illegal. First is because we have the election in Malaysia. No point of having a protest. We are allowing, we have an election every five years, never fail. We are not like Myanmar, not like other country. And you are helping these. You at Al Jazerra is also helping these, these forces. You know these forces who are not impatient, who don’t believe in democracy."
kaykaysaja think: "i don't know...what do you think?"

BERSIH...HINDRAF..Who's next?

10th November, BERSIH RALLY...
25th November, HINDRAF RALLY...
Who's next?

We'll see what will happened during HINDRAF RALLY today....

Actually what are their objective by organizing this rally? This is their their claim for HINDRAF rally today.

HINDRAF Hindu Rights Action Force
No. 135-3-A,
Jalan Toman 7,
Kemayan Square,
70200 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan
Tel : 06-7672995/6
Fax: 06-7672997
Email waytha@hotmail.com

The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown
Prime Minister of the United Kindom
10 Downing Street,
Fax: +442079250918London, URGENT

Dear Sirs,




We refer to the above critical matters in Malaysia but which generally gets the least attention locally even by the Opposition parties, Ngo’s, the Malaysian human rights commission and the media for this community is generally regarded as politically insignificant, do not draw local or international funding and are deemed not pressworthy. To the contrary the Malaysian government has successfully projected itself to the world as a modern Islamic thinking country which is not true.The ethnic minority Indians in Malaysia were brought in to Malaysia by the British some 200 over years ago. Since independence in 1957 the Malaysian Indians have been permanently colonialised by the Islamic fundamentalist and malay chauvinists UMNO led Malaysian government. Among the recent atrocities committed by this government are as follows:-

1. 100 over Indians were slashed and killed by the UMNO controlled Malaysian government in the Kampung Medan mini genocide. Despite numerous appeals, the Malaysian Human Rights Commission has refused to hold a Public Inquiry. The UMNO controlled Malaysian courts struck off a victim’s public interest civil suit for a Public Inquiry to be held without even the said UMNO controlled government having to file in their defence. The UMNO controlled Attorney General and the Inspector General of Police refused to investigate and / or initiate an inquest into the death of at least six Indians in this tragedy despite.

2. Every week one person at average is killed in a shot to kill policy and in every 2 weeks one person is killed in police custody. About 60% of these victims are Indians though they form only 8% of the Malaysian population.

3. In every three weeks one Hindu temple is demolished in Malaysia The latest being the demolishment of the Mariaman temple in Padang Jawa, Shah Alam, Selangor early this morning (15.11.2007) and the next being the (Mutaiya) Hindu temple in Sungai Petani scheduled for the 29.11.2007. A violent armed pre down attack at 4.00a.m this morning was launched by the UMNO controlled Malaysian government backed by about 600 police, riot police, Islamic extremist and armed terrorists which completely destroyed this temple. In an attack two weeks ago, uniformed police, riot police and city Council officers hurled rocks and attacked unarmed Hindu devotees with knives, sticks and iron rods (see www.malaysiakini.com for pictures). At least 20 Hindu devotees were seriously injured and 19 arrested including 4 of their United Kingdom trained lawyers in direct violation of Article 5 (Right to life) Article 8 (Equality) Article 11 (Freedom of Religion) Section 295 (defiling a place of worship), Section 296 (disturbing a religious assembly), 298A(causing racial disharmony) and Section 441(criminal trespass) of the Malaysian Penal Code. These authorities are plagued by an above the law mindset and in fact liberally take the law into their own hands. These atrocities however does not happen to almost all Islamic places of worship. Please visit www.policewatcmalaysia.com for further and better particulars.

4. State sponsored direct discrimination against the Indians in Public University intakes, Indian (Tamil) Schools, skills training institutes, civil service and private sector job opportunities, business and licence opportunities and in almost all other aspects of daily life.

Despite our hundreds of letters, appeals and pleas to the Malaysian King and Sultans, the Prime Minister, Attorney General, Inspector General of Police, Ministers, Chief Ministers and the latest being our letters to the Prime Minister dated 29.10.2007 and 30.10.2007 and to the Attorney General dated 1.11.2007 the Malaysian authorities are only proceeding with greater ferocity and with impunity with very little regard for the Federal Constitution and laws of Malaysia. So please help us.

We fear that this peace loving Indian community of Tamil origin having been pushed to the corner and the persecution getting worse by the day may be forced to into terrorism in a matter of time as what has happened to the Sri Lankan Tamils.

On our part we are committed to a peaceful and lawful struggle and pray and appeal that the Government of the United Kingdom:-
1. Moves an emergency United Nations resolution condemning these state sponsored atrocities and persecutions of Malaysian Indians in Malaysia.
2. Refers Malaysia to the World Court and the International Criminal Court for Crimes against it’s own ethnic minority Indians

Thank You,
Yours Faithfully
Legal Adviser

So, read it yourself and think wisely about it. Malaysia...what happen to you?
I love this country and i can feel the love. Love comes with sacrifices. Love doesn't always sweet and charming. We laugh, we smile, we cry and we yell together, but we're still in love. But break up always painful. It drive people crazy. So, love this country! Wanna break up? Think again...

"Hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri...."

Demonstration is NOT Malaysia's CULTURE!!!!

I dont think it's too late to talk about this topic. BERSIH rally was held on 10th of November by non-goverment organization and opposition parties as they demand for a free and clean election which is known to be held early next year. This occasion get a wide broadcast from news channel and internet bloggers all over the world. Thousands of demonstrators marching to the King's palace to hand a memorandum demanding a clean election. This act cause a lot of controversies and various reports by various parties.

This is the RTM report on the BERSIH rally in Kuala Lumpur

TV3 report on BERSIH rally.

CNN version on BERSIH rally.

Al-Jazeera report on BERSIH rally.

The intention is good, to gather and demand for free and fair general election, but i wont agree with the way they expressing their desire.It is not that good. The demonstration has caused negative coverage about our peace and free country. It has affect our freedom and harmonic country and also cause a lot of troubles to the citizen. Heavy traffic jam have been reported from early morning until late night. Shop have been closed and affect tourism industry in long term.

The demonstrators blame the authorities for not granting the permission for that occasion, numbers of road block that cause heavy traffic jam, forces against the demonstrators and many more while the authorities strike back as the demonstrators cause wild act and affected our peaceful country. Who's right and who's wrong? Who know?

I can say blaming and pointing each other is our culture and we love that. The Election Commission have stated that most of the content of the memorandum have been fulfilled to this general election and morally, i would say, nobody would satisfy with the next general election results. Those who lose in the election won't be satisfy and they will use the corruption as the reason for the result. It would never end. Never ever. Those who win the election would say the election is free and fair. That's the tradition.

So, who will gain benefit from all of this situation? TRY TO BE ONE!!!

