
My Heart Says


Did Your Dad Change Your Diapers?

Have you ever wonder.... while you were still at your "babyhood"..who change your diaper? Actually, my mom told me that she didn't used diaper while i was a baby, but she used "napkin" (a soft neatly folded fully cotton cloth) as we cant afford to get diapers at that moment.

I found this clip, shows how DADies change diapers. Hahaha... I hope you enjoy...

Fathers & Sons - video powered by Metacafe

So, here's the guide on how to change diapers:

Changing a diaper is not like brain surgery, but there are some similarities. Both are delicate procedures in dealing with sensitive body parts - just at opposite ends of the body. Both can be very messy, both take special tools and equipment, and it would be nice if you used a mask for both - although when it comes to diaper changing, we seldom take the time to put one on. The only difference is that brain surgeons get paid a lot of money and parents don't. And once an operation is finished, the brain surgeon doesn't have to go back and do it over and over and over again.

1. Open and unfold the new diaper. Lay the baby wearing his used diaper on top of a new diaper.

2. Unfasten the used diaper: If it's a boy baby, open just a little bit at first because air tends to make a baby want to go right then and there.

3. Gather the baby's feet and lift. Remove the dirty diaper, wad it up, and dispose of it.

4. Gently Clean your baby ****.

5. Gently lower your baby onto the new diaper.

6. Fasten the diaper securely on the baby while saying something cute to make him feel all warm and fuzzy.

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