
My Heart Says


Bill Gates Says

If you are born poor it's not your mistake,

But if you die poor it's your mistake.

-Bill Gates-

I wasn't born poor... I worked hard not to die poor. But the system makes me poor. Even the poor become poorer. What about the rich? The rich become richer because "their" dad let them read the "Rich Dad Poor Dad" book. So they know how to make money. And they become better in making more money than usual.

What about the average dad? Average dad told their son to work hard to be rich. But the rich noticed this and they know how to do money mining.

Basic economy: Buy at A price and sell at B price. B must be bigger than A. So it can generate profit a.k.a income.

The new rich economy: Let others buy at B price, find a way to buy it at A price without 'the others' knowledge and sell it to C price.

Who can do the new rich economy principles? One Pakistan born Millionaire in London manage to achieve this through real estate only during recession. But in Malaysia, people can do it through multiple fields without waiting for recession. How? Dont ask me. Luv 'em hate 'em, they're already mining the money. Because they have super-power dad who knows how to sleep well.

Change your lifestyle. Be poor because they're rich though.


